
Monday, March 30, 2020

my family in lock down.

Lock down in my family is fun and sometimes not. It is fun because I do not have to wear  sock's.I do not like sock's because  they  are scratchy and sometime's hard. The reason why it is not fun  is because I do not get to play with  my friends.  The other thing I like doing is dancing to Ask Seek Knock

Dear Miss Hansen
My mum has an idea all the children in Paiaka  should record them selves doing the actions of Ask Seek Knock.Then i wonder if a big  kid could put them together as a Montage.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Welcome Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei taonga


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.